Renovation of the Heart Video Series

This classic series on Spiritual Formation by Dallas Willard is a valuable resource for anyone interested in spiritual development. Originally released on DVD, it is now available to stream for free through Conversatio, with the option to purchase a corresponding participant’s guide (free Leader’s Guide here that includes the content found in the participant’s guide). Explore the curriculum titled Renovation of the Heart: Putting on the Character of Christ to deepen your understanding of Christlikeness. You can also get the 20th Anniversary Edition of the book here (Foreward by John Mark Comer).

Here is an overview of the series via Conversatio’s website:

Willard’s Fourth installment in his “curriculum of Christlikeness” was Renovation of the Heart: Putting on the Character of Christ. It presented a sophisticated treatment of how the various aspects of the person—thoughts, emotions, behaviors, social interactions and heart/will/spirit can be brought over to the side of character re-formation. It is this fourth book that is the subject of this small group curriculum presentation.

This series, and many like it are available for purchase at

Click here, to download a pdf of the video resources guide!

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