Tag Archives: Twitter

Three Resources to Help You Get Your Message Out

Most people have something worth sharing, but too often their message never gets out. This is something I’ve definitely noticed in the first nine months since starting this blog. Here are some of the resources I’ve been learning from in an effort to better get my message out (I’ve only touched the tip of the iceberg in utilizing these resources but my intention is to focus more time on implementing what I’m learning and to dig deeper to see what else I need to do — these resources are great for individuals and/or organizations that simply want to do a better job of getting their message out):

Michael Hyatt, one of the top business bloggers in the world, provides down-to-earth guidance for building and expanding a powerful platform. To be successful in the market today, you must possess two strategic assets: a compelling product and a meaningful platform. In this step-by-step guide, Michael Hyatt, former CEO and current Chairman of Thomas Nelson Publishers, takes readers behind the scenes, into the new world of social media success. He shows you what best-selling authors, public speakers, entrepreneurs, musicians, and other creatives are doing differently to win customers in today’s crowded marketplace. Hyatt speaks from experience. He writes one of the top 800 blogs in the world and has more than 100,000 followers on Twitter. His large and growing platform serves as the foundation for his successful writing, speaking, and consulting practice.

Erich’s note: there are so many helpful, practical ideas in this book (and on Michael Hyatt’s blog). You’ll find yourself going back to it often. Make sure you follow him on Twitter and subscribe to his blog (you’ll get a free eBook when you do).

Description of Jeff’s blog:  I love compelling stories, worthy causes, and Pez candy. I’ve been writing for most of my life, but only recently started calling myself a writer and actually believing it. I started this blog in 2010 with some burning questions:

  • How do successful writers make a living?
  • What does it really take to get published?
  • How do you pursue a passion?

What I found in this search was a community of like-minded individuals sharing many of the same struggles. Here is where we wage war on the blank page, where we band together to find purpose in our art and lives. If you have a passion for creativity and changing the world, this blog is for you.

Erich’s note: I just recently discovered this blog and I’m looking forward to learning more… Make sure you follow him on Twitter and subscribe to his blog (you’ll get a couple of free resources too).

Claire Díaz-Ortiz is an author, speaker, and technology innovator who has been named one of the 100 Most Creative People in Business by Fast Company. Claire was an early employee at Twitter, where she was hired to lead social innovation, and where she still works today. Her post, How to Start a Blog, was her top post in 2013.  She is also the author of Twitter for Good: Change the World One Tweet at a Time. Make sure you follow her on Twitter and subscribe to her blog (you’ll receive several free resources when you do).

Erich’s note: I discovered Claire’s resources when I read her  BarnaFRAMES book, Greater Expectations. After reading her book I found her blog to be loaded with great posts and resources.  FYI: I currently use the free WordPress blog for my platform but I’ve been thinking about following the advice of these 3 to set up a “self-hosting” blog (if so, I might do it in June around the 1 year anniversary of my blog if I get courageous enough and find someone to help me design it, we’ll see…)

Your turn… What are some other resources you’ve found useful in getting your message out?


Filed under Blogs, Books, Communication, Technology

Three More APPS You Should Check Out

Last week I shared 3 APPS I think everyone should use (Evernote, DropBox and YouVersion). Today I want to mention 3 more I use that you should take a look at:

Flipboard is your personal magazine, filled with the things you care about. Catch up on the news, discover amazing things from around the world, or stay connected to the people closest to you–all in one place. You can create your own magazines based on topics you enjoy reading and learning about. Explore staff picks in the Content Guide including hundreds of magazines, thought-provoking blogs, gorgeous photography and well-curated sections including news of the day and other topics. Note: I consume a lot of my news and view my social media feeds in this format most of the time (just like flipping through a magazine). I absolutely love this APP!

When you find something you want to view later, put it in Pocket. SAVE FOR LATER: Put articles, videos or pretty much anything into Pocket. Save directly from your browser or from apps like Twitter, Flipboard, Pulse and Zite. VIEW WHEN READY: If it’s in Pocket, it’s on your phone, tablet or computer. You don’t even need an Internet connection. I think you’ll enjoy using this APP just make sure you take the time to go back and read what you save.

  • Mint.com — The best free way to manage your money.

Get a handle on your finances the free and fast way. Mint does all the work of organizing and categorizing your spending for you. See where every dime goes and make money decisions you feel good about. Mint pulls all your financial accounts into one place. Set a budget, track your goals and do more with your money, for free! I’ve been using this app for about 2 years and absolutely love how I’m able to track everything I’m spending and it comes in real handy at tax time (I have it on my desktop, iPhone and iPad for quick access).

Your turn… If you use any of these APPS let us know what you think about them or if you know of other APPS that provide similar services let us know. Also, what are some other APPS you would recommend?


Filed under Productivity, Technology